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Moving to the Cloud? Be Wary of These Hidden Costs

Moving to the Cloud? Be Wary of These Hidden Costs
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Efficient utility software deployment has been a priority for businesses for much of the past three decades, but today’s software developers are beginning to more frequently offer their titles as a service, giving end users the ability to utilize powerful software solutions from anywhere, for what is often a reasonable monthly payment. The dissemination of useful computing resources from the cloud, whether it’s a private cloud server, or a public cloud platform through a reputable cloud provider, can be of great benefit to your business.

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Study Finds that 45% of Virtual Machines Would Run More Efficiently in the Cloud

Study Finds that 45% of Virtual Machines Would Run More Efficiently in the Cloud

By now you’ve surely heard about the benefits of cloud computing, but a new survey by TSO Logic might be just the proof you need to make the leap to the cloud. The survey analyzed 10,000 physical servers and 25,000 virtual machines, and the results are quite revealing!

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What You Need to Know About the Cloud Before Signing Up

What You Need to Know About the Cloud Before Signing Up

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computer_400.jpgIn an infamous 2012 survey by Wakefield Research, the ignorance of the general public regarding cloud computing was revealed: 51 percent believed that stormy weather interferes with cloud computing, and 29 percent thought that the cloud was an actual cloud. Furthermore, what may elude many computer users is the fact that a process known as virtualization is actually what’s behind cloud computing (not atmospheric conditions).

Essentially, virtualization takes a physical component of your IT infrastructure, like a server or workstation, and stores it in a virtual environment that can be accessed via an online interface. Users that take advantage of cloud computing are familiar with this interface and use it to access their data and applications stored in the cloud. Some popular examples include software like Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, as well as email services like Gmail and Outlook.

Another way to understand cloud computing is to view it as keeping your data on someone else’s computer. This computer is located off-site and it is (hopefully) maintained and managed by IT professionals. More often than not, these hosted machines are powerful and can provide you with more computing resources for the money compared to purchasing the same equipment for your office.

Plus, when your cloud data is managed and maintained by professionals like a managed service provider, that’s one less thing for you to worry about so you can better focus on running your business. Alternatively, it’s entirely possible to use the virtualization process for accessing data stored on your in-house servers or workstations. While going this route will provide your company with all of the benefits and advantages of cloud computing, it also means that you’re responsible for the upkeep of your own equipment, so be sure to account for this when choosing this computing option.

When it comes to successfully implementing cloud computing for your business, the better you understand what cloud computing can do, equates to you being able to better take advantage of these benefits. What you want is a cloud service package that’s customized to meet the unique needs of your company, instead of a generic, one-size-fits-all package. To that end, Infradapt takes the time to understand the computing needs of your business, and then match your needs with cloud solutions that are the right fit, whether it be hosting your data in-house or having us manage your cloud data.

To get you started with cloud computing, be sure to ask yourself these questions:

  • How much control do you want over your data?
  • Are you equipped to take care of your own IT equipment?
  • Would it be better for your budget to buy your own IT equipment, or outsource your IT needs?
  • Do you have remote workers?
  • Do you handle information that’s sensitive in nature and subject to fines if handled improperly?

Finally, it might be in your best interest to go with virtualization instead of cloud computing. While virtualization is what drives cloud computing, you might be able cover your needs with virtualizing your own IT network, instead of migrating your IT infrastructure to the cloud. Of course, the best way to know for sure what your computing needs are is to have a conversation with Infradapt. It’s easy to do, just pick up the phone and call 800.394.2301 to schedule your IT assessment today!

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Now I Get it: Breaking Down Cloud Computing

Now I Get it: Breaking Down Cloud Computing

b2ap3_thumbnail_move_to_the_cloud_400.jpgThe cloud is deeply-seated in the way that the modern business handles its day-to-day operations. It’s great for managing access to critical data and applications, making it vastly easier for businesses to optimize operations. With so many great technology innovations revolving around the cloud, how does your business plan on implementing the cloud in 2016?

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There’s No Good Reason Why Managing Your Email Should Be a Hassle

There’s No Good Reason Why Managing Your Email Should Be a Hassle

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_in_the_cloud_400.jpgYour business is no-doubt reliant on your email solution as a critical communications component. Without it, your organization’s operations could be significantly hampered, forcing you to improvise in order to reach out to internal and external parties. As an important part of any business’s communications, it’s crucial that your email solution is as efficient as possible, but managing an email server can be challenging for the average business owner.

Email server hosting is an issue that outsourced IT companies like Infradapt help businesses resolve. Doing so allows your business to reap the many benefits of outsourced IT solutions, one of which frees your business from the burden of managing its own technology, and the immense costs associated with doing so.

What is Hosted Email?
Email hosting is a service that helps businesses save money and time by outsourcing the upkeep and management of the organization’s email server to a third party. Your email server would be hosted in a secure, off-site data center that is maintained by a managed service provider, like the professional technicians at Infradapt. The most valuable aspect of a hosted email solution is that it’s tailored to your business’s specific needs. It’s not an “out of the box” solution that’s designed to work for all businesses; rather, we take the time to help it work specifically for your business.

The Benefits
Your business has the power to gain a significant advantage over your competition by outsourcing your email hosting to Infradapt. Here are three key benefits that your business will enjoy:

  • Less time spent on maintenance and management: One of your business’s most valuable assets is time. There’s a finite amount of it in the day, and if it’s lost to technology maintenance and management, you can’t get it back. If an external party is managing your technology instead of your in-house team, you free up countless hours during the workday that can be better spent on other initiatives.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Another major benefit is that hosted email is designed specifically to suit the needs of your business. This means that you get an intensive email solution that helps your business play to its strengths. You can easily add or remove users, which makes hosted email a much more flexible solution that can fit into any business’s budget.
  • Security and redundancy: Hackers understand that your email solution is a valuable asset, and they want to use it to siphon as much information from your network as they can. Spam and phishing emails have the power to completely derail your network security if left unchecked. Having your email hosted in a secure data center allows your business to focus primarily on network security measures that are designed to mitigate the threats posed by spam and malware. Enterprise-level spam blocking solutions have proven to be proficient at limiting exposure to threats, so they’re exceptionally powerful solutions for your network.

Infradapt wants to help your business fully leverage its technology through email hosting and other communications solutions. To learn more, give us a call at 800.394.2301.

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