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Can Your Organization Take Advantage of a Private Cloud?

Can Your Organization Take Advantage of a Private Cloud?
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If your business isn’t already taking advantage of the cloud in some way, you’re in the minority. Most businesses use it for something or another, depending on the industry and service rendered. Yet, there are all kinds of different cloud-based infrastructures that your organization can take advantage of, which might make the decision somewhat challenging to make. What’s the best type of cloud solution for your business?

You’ll generally be choosing between the public cloud, the private cloud, or some combination of the two. Depending on which you choose, you can expect to reap considerable benefits. Here are some of the details regarding your choices.

Public Cloud
There are certain reasons why a small business might find the public cloud ideal. Most organizations that don’t have a dedicated IT department will see a cloud solution as more additional management and maintenance that they don’t have time for. This is one of the aspects that makes the public cloud so appealing to small businesses with limited time, budgets, and workforces. The public cloud removes the responsibility of managing a cloud from your business’ shoulders while maintaining an acceptable level of security.

Businesses that take advantage of the public cloud, however, do have some reservations about the control of their data--primarily because the public cloud is generally hosted and maintained by the service provider. While this is great from an operational standpoint, it limits your ability to respond to security threats. Therefore, you must be aware of what customization options are available before making a decision regarding the public cloud.

Private Cloud
In direct contrast to the public cloud, a private cloud is hosted on your company’s in-house infrastructure, which allows for more flexibility and customization on your company’s part. You can essentially customize your cloud solution as per your requirements. Companies that have their technology maintained by an in-house team generally prefer a private cloud solution, but sometimes it’s not necessarily an option.

Companies that don’t have an internal IT department and still take advantage of a private cloud solution might wind up stretching their own resources too far. If you can’t properly take care of your technology, then perhaps a managed cloud is a better approach for your particular business. For those who want the best of both the public and private clouds, a managed private cloud is the ideal solution.

Managed Private Cloud
Small businesses that want the benefits of a private cloud solution while avoiding the heavy lifting of maintaining the server hardware should look into a managed private cloud. Infradapt can use our comprehensive knowledge of managed IT solutions and cloud infrastructures to build you an on-premise cloud solution that we can remotely monitor and maintain. If you want even less to worry about, we can host your server on our own network so that it’s as hands-off as you can get. To learn more about managed private servers, reach out to us at 800.394.2301.

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Cloud-Based Document Management Helps Businesses

Cloud-Based Document Management Helps Businesses

Paper documents can hold businesses back for several different reasons. For example, have you ever tried to move to a new office and drag along countless heavy filing cabinets? What about digging through folders just to find one specific document? It’s difficult to sort them in the first place as it is. Technology has made this job much easier, providing businesses with tools to better manage and maintain their wealth of paper documents in the form of a digital cloud environment.

A cloud-based document storage infrastructure is a great way to help your business overcome the annoyances and drawbacks of keeping paper files and storage in your office. Here are some of the best reasons why your organization should consider cloud-based document management systems.

Easy Organization and Access
We’re sure you’ve felt the frustration of storing paper files into folders, and then further storing them in large filing cabinets. A document management system makes this much easier to handle as you are storing files on your in-house network in an organized and efficient manner. It’s just like using folders on an ordinary computer or network infrastructure, and as long as you stay organized, you shouldn't have any issues finding the data you’re looking for. Plus, you’ll be able to access any files stored in your cloud from pretty much any connected device, which creates a more flexible work environment.

Easier to Navigate
Just like your browser’s search bar or your basic search engine like Google, you can search your document management system for specific files. You certainly can’t do something like that with your filing cabinet! This alone is a great way to ensure that your documents are efficient to locate at all times. With a document management system based in the cloud, all you need to do is just type your searches into the system and you can find whatever information you’re looking for easily enough.

Easier to Preserve
How would your filing cabinets hold up to a fire in the office? What about a flood or similar natural disaster? Chances are that “not well” is the answer. As with any asset, you should be able to have a backup in the event of a worst-case scenario, but this is difficult for physical document storage. Digital cloud-based document storage should always be backed up with external solutions, like a backup and disaster recovery solution so that these worst-case scenarios don’t prematurely end your business.

The Primary Risk: Data Security
The issue with storing any data in a connected and online environment is that you’re exposing it to potential hackers and other security risks. There are threats out there that are always on the lookout for ways into any type of infrastructure, and threats are growing stronger each and every day. Therefore, you should have solutions implemented that optimize security against threats, as well as data backup and disaster recovery to ensure a random incident doesn’t keep your business from succeeding.

To get started with a cloud-based document management system, reach out to us at 800.394.2301.

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Protect Your Organization's Data with Backup and Recovery

Protect Your Organization's Data with Backup and Recovery

Let’s take a moment to imagine the worst-case scenario for your business. You’ve been struck with a crippling disaster and your infrastructure is rendered inoperable. Maybe it was a fire that burned your office to the ground, or a hardware failure that wiped out any information located on your local network. Maybe a hacker infiltrated your IT infrastructure and installed ransomware on your network, or a user error led to a compromised account and infected network.

Regardless of the incident, you need to implement measures like data backup and disaster recovery to keep the worst from occurring. Yet many businesses still consider data backup and disaster recovery to be largely the same thing. There is actually a major difference between data backup and disaster recovery. While one aspect focuses on accumulating data in the event a disaster wipes your company off the face of the planet, the other focuses on the deployment of the data backups. One thing is absolutely certain, though; you need both of these aspects of business continuity if you hope to keep your organization running during the worst of times.

Data backup comes in many different forms, but the most common system that had been used was tape backup. Data would be stored on magnetic tapes, which would then be kept somewhere on-site for use in the event of an emergency. These data backups would generally only happen once a day, as more than once would be enough to drag operations to a halt. With the only opportune time to take a backup being after hours, an entire day’s worth of data could potentially be destroyed in the event of a data loss incident--assuming that the disaster hasn’t also destroyed the tape! Add in a rather slow restoration time and you have an overall inconvenient and risky backup solution.

While tape is certainly not the ideal backup and disaster recovery solution for your organization, it’s better than nothing. Yet, cloud-based data backup and disaster recovery is far superior in just about every major part of business continuity. For example, the issue of the amount of data recovered becomes a non-issue due to smaller backups being taken more frequently throughout the day, leading to a smaller loss in the event of a disaster. Furthermore, you can store data backups in the cloud and off-site for later implementation, which is great for securing your business’ future.

Perhaps the most important part of data backup and disaster recovery from Infradapt is that you can restore data at a moment’s notice through the cloud. You can even deploy a backup directly to the BDR device that’s hooked up to your network in the event your server isn’t available or is no longer functional. This gives you valuable time to implement new hardware or find a new temporary office. Could your business use some help with implementing a backup and disaster recovery solution? Infradapt can help. To learn more, reach out to us at 800.394.2301.

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Lack of Security Training is Putting Businesses at Risk

Lack of Security Training is Putting Businesses at Risk

Let’s say that one of your employees downloads an attachment from an email claiming to be a receipt for an Amazon order or other online shopping outlet. The attachment then proceeds to infect their workstation with a virus or malware. This puts the integrity of your infrastructure at risk--all because of a simple mistake. Do you send the employee to cybersecurity training, or do you trust they will learn from the mistake and never repeat it?

This is one of the big choices that you will have to make regarding network security for your business, and it absolutely shouldn’t be made lightly. If you don’t take a stance on network security and employee training, you could be opening your doors to even more threats in the future. What is your business supposed to do in situations like these? After all, you can’t just not take any action at all. Depending on your current security practices, you may need to invest a considerable amount of time and resources into strengthening your resilience against cyberattacks.

It’s important to also keep in mind that you’re not alone in regard to security training for your organization--according to PhishMe, 91% of cyberattacks are the result of a data breach caused by spear phishing attacks. These include targeted attempts to steal account information from your users or downloading threats that can later infiltrate your business’ infrastructure. Basically, hackers try to use an employee’s lack of knowledge about technology to their advantage, or they make themselves appear as someone more familiar or a known contact within your organization.

Security Training is On the Rise
As you might guess, cybersecurity training has become a major industry for those who want to take advantage of this lack of knowledge or awareness. Cybersecurity Ventures suggest that the currently $1 billion industry that is cybersecurity training will grow immensely over the next decade, rising to over $10 billion by the year 2027. With more people being connected to some type of smart technology, and even more people entering workforces that demand some sort of knowledge of these developing technologies, it’s never been more important for your workforce to grow more proficient in network security best practices.

Aspects of Security Training
Your business needs to take a comprehensive approach to security training if you hope to keep your organization secure. Here are some ideas that you should consider for your business’ network security:

  • Identifying phishing emails: Being able to tell when something’s not right is a valuable skill to have--particularly when cleaning out your email inbox. Not everyone can tell when they are being scammed, even when it might seem clear as day. While it’s better to simply make sure that spam stays out of your inbox in general, it’s more difficult when you’re specifically being targeted by spear phishing tactics. Teach employees what they should look for in a legitimate email. And remember--it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If in doubt, ask someone else what they think about it.
  • Password best practices: Ordinarily, we would tell you to always keep secure passwords, which include both upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special symbols, but these don’t matter if you accidentally give it away to someone claiming to be your technology support. Instead, we want to remind you to never give away sensitive information through email, telephone, or otherwise.
  • Active hands-on security training: Many of the most popular methods of security training have to do with placing your employees in mock scenarios in which they have to respond to a threat. These could include vishing, or voicemail phishing, or even phishing emails themselves, all in an attempt to ensure that they can properly identify and respond to threats.

If your business needs help training its employees, Infradapt can help. To learn more, reach out to us at 800.394.2301.

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Credit Card and Identity Theft and What to Do If It Happens to You

Credit Card and Identity Theft and What to Do If It Happens to You

For most of us, the dust has settled after a hectic holiday season and it’s time to start thinking about getting our finances in order. There will be, however, a few of us who are dealing with the aftermath left behind by cybercriminals looking to profit from misfortune. Identity theft and credit card fraud are two of the most popular ways to defraud unsuspecting victims - and the terms are often used interchangeably.

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You Can Benefit from Unified Communications

You Can Benefit from Unified Communications

Without communication, would your business be able to function as intended, or would it fall apart? Often times the only thing holding together a project are the links between all of the pieces of it--your employees--each working on various individual parts of its implementation. This is where communication comes in. A unified communications solution is the best way to keep your organization together at all times, whether in the office or not.

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What Does Redundancy Mean for Your Business

What Does Redundancy Mean for Your Business

If you were to lose your business’ data, would you be able to continue operations? The answer is almost always “no,” so you need to take precautions before you inevitably suffer from an unpredictable threat like a hardware failure or hacking attack. Unfortunately, the average small business might have trouble affording such comprehensive coverage, which is a trend that we’re trying to help local organizations buck. If you’re stuck on data recovery, we want to help you better understand data redundancy.

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Fiber-Optics Creating Lets Business Move Faster

Fiber-Optics Creating Lets Business Move Faster

What would you do if you had an impossibly slow connection speed to either the Internet or your in-house network? Granted, no infrastructure is the same, but you still need to ensure that your business can handle its workload with the cabling setup that you have. If you haven’t updated your business’s infrastructure in some time, you should consider the latest and greatest cabling technologies for your connection purposes.

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